neva looked at them. She then realized something. "Why did you tell that cub that?" she snapped to Nero. "You know the moon will be full in only three days!"
Poppy looked crushed for about a minute then covered it with an apathetic look. She looked at him "You know what I think I'll eat it since you don't want it"
Neva glared at him a moment longer, then ripped her gaze away. "I'm not afraid of you," she said. She walked to Poppy and sat down beside the young cub. "There's only one thing I'm afraid of, Nero, and it's not you," she growled.
Neva looked at them. "Poppy, you said you heard the people make a loud noise and that your mother cried then was quiet. You said you heard it, but didn't see it. When I was shot, I ran, because I didn't want to put you in danger," she explained. she looked at her shoulder, where there was a rounded scar where the twolegs' shot went. "And you're orange because my old mate was orange, like Nero. He was killed by Twolegs before you were born."
"My parents were both orange, sometimes that doesnt affect the outcome of what color my fur is," she added. She looked at Nero, who looked uncertain. "I lost all I ever had. Do you think I would lie about that? Do you think I would try to get another mouth for me to feed? I just found what's left of my family, why would I lie about that?"
Nero growled. He looked at Poppy. He pushed her out from under him. He grabbed her in his mouth and walked to Neva. He placed her infront of her and turned. "Okay." He murmured.
"No this isn't right my mommy was orange I remeber her" she ran at Nero and under him coming out infront "Please don't leave me please i still have three days"
Poppy looked up at him "but how could that be here when she doesn't smell like her she doesn't look like her and doesn't sound like her?"she asked "I think I would know my own mother"
Neva heard what Poppy was saying. A tear rolled down her cheek, and she felt bad for leaving her daughter in the first place. Now her own daughter didn't remember her.
"Fine then run just run away because that's all you know how to do"she said after him and then looked down. She ran off in the forest and ran until she felt like she was going to pass out. She found a cave and hid in it. It was warm and she soon fell asleep.
OOC: poppy this is different from the other rp ;) IC: Neva heard running, and she ran and ran, following her daughters familiar scent. "Poppy!" she cried frantically. She couldn't lose her daughter, not again. she bumped into Nero by accident.
Bella heard murmuring, and Poppy was asleep, so she crept out of the den and saw Nero walking away. "Nero!" she said. She was surprised by how happy I was to see him.