He looked at poppy. He was about to say something but he heard some of the tigers that helped him when he met Neva. He diden't want them to hurt her or poppy. He walked out of the den and ran the direction he heard them.
Nero looked at the other tigers. "Is something wrong?" He said soflty. "Nero!" One panted. He was covored in blood. "There's some rouge tigers down by the river. There attacking our tigers!" Nero's eyes widened. "O-Okay...I'll come. Hold on." He walked to the bush and whispered to Neva and poppy. "I'll be back. Stay Here."
"It's okay, Poppy," Neva said. "These tigers think we're a threat, they'll hurt us if they get the chance. Nero's straightening things out and trying to tell them to leave us alone."
"You don't get covered in blood fromt talking"she said "Just come make sure and come home"she said turning "Mommy"she said turning and leaving "I'll be in the cave"she walked slowly back
Nero looked at poppy. "I wont break my promise." He said. "I never do." He looked at Neva. "Take care of her." He said softly and began to follow the other tigers.
Nero walked down to the river. His eyes widened as he saw all the fighting tiger....All the blood being lost. He had to fight. He jumped on a tiger. He began to fight it.
neva licked Poppy gently. "It's okay, Poppy, Nero is just helping some other tigers. He's strong, and kind, whatever happens will happen for the best. He'll be okay," she insisted
They fought and fought. Soon, the rouge tigers all ran off. Nero was covored in blood. He panted and fell on the ground. He looked at all the dead tigers. He closed his eyes. He couldn't move yet. He had to rest before hed go back to Neva and Poppy.
"You can't, Poppy," she said. "He said you have to stay safe. He and other tigers are fighting right now, you could easily be killed. he would hate that, and so would I, do you really want to hurt him?
Nero panted. It was hard to breath. The grass under him stained. He slowly stood up and began to walk back. He was close to the den. He fell to the ground.