Poppy watched him fall to the ground covered in blood. She couldn't move for a moment then she found her legs and got up. Walking over to Nero she didn't know what to do so she sat by his head and licked the blood off of his face. She layed down and said "It's going to be okay your going to be okay. I promise"she put emphasis (sp) on the word 'I' as she said.
Nero opened his eyes and yawned. He saw neva was still sleeping. "Poppy..." He said. He heard no reply. "Poppy?" He repeated and looked around. "Where are you?" He slowly stood up. He walked out of hte den. "Poppy!!"
"Yeah I'm fine"she said and then ran into something. It was no it couldn't be it was a dead tiger cub that had been there for god knos how long. She gave a blood churning scream and tried to scramble out
"yeah..." he lied, still weak from battle. He slowly stood up, trying to ignore the pain in his leg. He looked at poppy. "let's go" he gently grabbed poppy in his mouth.
Poppy tried to make it as easy as she could for him. She curled her legs and and tail in and put ehr head down making a small ball she he could get out easier and not worry about limbs getting ripped off.
Nero looked at his back twisted leg. He had to jump. He ignored the pain as much as he could and pounced. His claws grabbed the moist side of the hole and he began to climb.