Welcome to the WildForest Roleplay! This is the roleplay for all WildForest members. If you are not from WildForest, you can roleplay, too, but you'll have to play as your actual character and be from your streak(forest). You can also only roleplay as being secretly a friend of a WildForest tiger, intruding territory, starting a battle, etc., as long as it has something to do with the roleplay. =) If you are not from Wildforest, you do need to fill out the form, but your rank should bethe same as your actual one.
WildForest Tigers:
Leader: Koda-A male white tiger who tries to do what's best for his streak, but is usually troubled about decisions for his streak. [Neva]
Medicine Tigers:
Other Tigers:
Watchers: Chemi-a female orange tiger with deep blue eyes. She's very gentle to others and loves playing. [Simba, of MeadowForest]
Medicine Tigers:
Cubs: Drake-A male ivy colored tiger with black markings and large, round green-blue eyes, long legs, and wavy fur that glows in the moonlight. He is very kind and caring and always follows his heart. He had a twin, but she died. [Ana, of Iceyforest]
Form: Username: Name: Gender: Rank: Appearance(at least put White Tiger or Orange Tiger): Personality(optional):
There is no limit to joining this roleplay. If you join late in the rp, simply ask for a summary. We will start when two more tigers join.
OCC: It's okay, I added you. :3 IC: Koda got up early and stretched. He looked outside, and luckily, noone was awake. He crept out quickly and silently, and went to a small abandoned cave that noone but him and Chemi, Meadowforest's watcher, knew about, for it was far frm WildForest camp, but still on the territory. He went in and waited for his friend, Chemi.
Koda laughed playfully. At home, he felt very troubled and nervous about decisions for his streak, but when he was with Chemi, he felt like he could be himself.
Koda smiled and purred. He wish they didn't have to meet in secret. He wished Chemi was part of Wild forest. But he knew she wasn't. Tigers were born into their streaks, and Koda couldn't change that. If Chemi was meant to be in Meadowforest, he couldn't take that from her.
Chemi smiled sweetly. "Bye." She heard paw steps. "Chemi! What are you doing way out here!" Chemi saw her mother. She was a nurse. She takes care of all the cubs in the streak. "I-I was taking a walk."
Chemi walked foward to her mother. Suddenly, she went up to the air. She got caught in a human trap. She hung from her back leg. Thick rope wrapped around it.
Koda kept chewing the rope. He climbed up the net quickly, and onto the branch that held it. He chewed on that part of the rope and pawed at it, and finally it untangled.
Koda backed away over the border. "I'm sorry, I was just remarking my streak's borders, and then I saw this tiger in trouble. I couldn't just let her get taken by hunters," Koda explained camly.
Koda reached his camp. "Oh, there you are, Koda!" One of the hunters said, running up to him. "Can I go hunt?" Koda nodded. "Sure, and I was just remarking some of the borders."